Tuesday, July 6, 2010


From Cuzco we moved into the Sacred Valley which is a  truly blessed agricultural area of Peru where the Incas have left some great work with buildings and terraces. Its also where Gap draw their porters for the Machu Pichu trek from, and we visited their women at the village of Ccaccaccollo to see how the weaving is done and bought a few things from them. Moved onto the huge Inca site of Pisac just before the other hordes arrived and we had fun trying to find our way through the maze of ways to the top view.
On the way to Ollantaytambo to the next Inca site and our place for the night we stopped at what looked like a great garden restaurant for what looked like an amazing buffet dinner. Well, it gave some of us food poisoning and so the trek lost 3 of its members.