Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Miraflores Lima before GAP Tour

I arrived in Lima to find the same weather that was along the coast further up--FOG. Its miserable for the first half of the day, very cold and sometimes damp. They say they get this weather 8 months of the year. Its caused by the cold currents that run along the coast and that's not too good for the surfing comfort zone either. Seems strange considering its in the tropics. After a couple of days Liz arrived from Australia and it was great to see her again. We had one nice day and took advantage of it to have a surf. They had good gear to rent and Liz enjoyed her 8'4" and new steamer with a good session at Miraflores. I couldn't get going but enjoyed the session even if just for a paddle.
A few days later we met up with the rest of the Gap crew doing the 14 day tour we were booked on. We were staying at the very nice Antigua Hotel that had the ultimate luxury of a bath----my first since Costa Rica to soak in. The local Peruvian tour organiser turned up and we were on our way to the airport for our flight to Puno. Its at an altitude of 3850 metres and was to confront us all with the hazards of altitude sickness.