Sunday, June 27, 2010


The sudden switch from sea level at Lima to Puno at nearly 4000 metres really hit a couple of girls including Liz who wasn’t able to come on the tour of Lake Titicaca which included staying overnight with a host family on one of the islands. It was a beautiful day and we did a long haul out to Taquile Island where we had to do a steep climb up to the village and we all struggled  with the thin air. Had a nice lunch overlooking the lake and some more islands and then did the 540 steps down to the other side of the island where the boat waited to take us to Amantani Island.
We were matched up with host families and had steep climbs again to our houses and then up to the mini football pitch to play the locals. The young guys from Europe knew there stuff and one girl from Germany was goalkeeper and did great. Some people climbed to the top of the island to catch the sunset but I cheated and hooked up with some people from other tour groups and turned the local store /bar into something resembling  a ski lodge, drinking hot wine and hot chocolate with Baileys!!
Back down the hill to our house for dinner which was adequate and then dressed up and taken back up the hill to a dance where we lasted for just a little whirl or two before all crashing.