Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Machu Pichu Trek Disapointment

Machu Pichu Disappointment
Disappointments comes in all shapes and sizes but this one rates way up there as one of  my biggest. The main event, spoiled by a shitty bout of food poisoning that hit me big time at 6 am on the morning we started the trek. Things were beginning to gurgle in the early morning but both ends erupted as we got up and I knew I was in trouble. I was sick twice more before we started to walk and I thought I could get through it but after a few kms I started to feel the dehydration and weakened quickly. No amount of the horrible rehydration medicine added to water seemed to help and my mouth felt like sandpaper. A couple more stops for diahorrea and then bringing up the fluid and I was in no mood to go on. I so wish I had because I was about 5 km in and the 1st camp was only 13 kms. So if you count walking 5kms back out again, I would almost have been there. The head guide, Fernando sent the assistant guide, Jayco, back to walk out with me and he was welcomed back with me being sick again. A couple of hours later as we reached town I was starting to feel better and that continued, but it was too late now and I would have to fill in a few days while the ‘main event’ went on, on the Inca Trail.