Sunday, July 25, 2010


Great seats on this overnighter from La Paz to Sucre. They nearly reclined to horizontal so it was really comfortable to get some sleep. This bus trip was 12 hours and after leaving at 7.30pm it was a good time to arrive in Sucre. The Lonely Planet recommended hostel didn't have WiFi so I left my backpack there while I checked around and found a great room for $18 US.
The laundry really needed to be done and with Australia playing its last game in the World Cup it seemed like a good day to take it easy in the room and catch up with some email and blogs.
Sucre is the former capital of Bolivia and at 2600m I found it much easier to handle than La Paz. It had some really nice buildings and streetscapes and the next day I walked up to the lookout on an old square. Great views from up there and a nice restaurant on the way up where I was able to watch NZ draw their 3rd game --but not qualify!
Well I asked about some tours and walks but the prices were high for what they were offering and they didn't get enough numbers to go. Places have to realise that our pockets aren't bottomless and they still have to give value for money. I did enjoy the cruisy couple of days I spent here--it had a nice vibe.