Monday, July 26, 2010

Uyuni Salt Flats Tour

This qualifies as one of the highlights of my trip. Uyuni itself is a small town on the flats surrounded  by plastic covered scrub that deals with salt harvesting and tourism. But when you go out onto the flats and high country your senses are taken over by the amazing variety of scenes. My photos give some examples but I could have included another 20 without diminishing the quality.
The fantastic tour ended for me on the 2nd night when I got crook  and the last day started late and I held them up a few times having to 'go both ends' again. When we reached the hot pools our tour guide took me and 2 other Aussies to the Chilian border while the others bathed away!! So missed a few things at the end but I would have to say---DO this one if you ever go to South America!!!